In most long lasting relationships and marriages, certain elements that characterized the magic of the relationship in its early days are often lost. Even, it is usually believed that only in the first months of courtship, and later in the first months of marriage, there is that illusion on the part of both of staying together and enjoying as a couple, and that as the years go by it is normal to stop being affectionate , attentive and detailed with the other.
However, the details, respect, listening and understanding, the love given and passion, should be present throughout the marriage and reinforced, rather, over the years.
There are people who really do not know what happened in their marriages, neither of the two members know why they stopped treating each other well, having patience and loving each other deeply. Many simply say that the details, the dates and other elements that bring magic to the relationship, are childish things or no longer appropriate for their age or their stage of marriage.
However, although the marriage is in advanced stages, both partners should look for alternatives to continue maintaining the spark of the relationship. If, for example, you no longer like going to the movies and eating popcorn together, you could go for a walk and chat, or go on a trip as a couple.
Just as there are appropriate and liked activities for certain ages, we can also find activities and alternatives that are appropriate to the moment in which the marriage is located.
However, not only recreational activities are important to keep a lasting relationship or marriage alive, other factors also come into play, directed more to the emotional or relationship between both members.
If when they were newly married they used to treat each other wonderfully, be attentive, loving and daring in intimacy, but they are no longer, it is time to analyze if the relationship needs to be renewed by bringing these elements back, or if the couple feels comfortable and happy with her current marriage.
All this reflection that we wanted to carry out in today's article is about bringing to our consciousness the question of whether my marriage is still alive or has it lost what characterized it, gave it life and hope ? What should I do to get back that initial magic? How will I treat my partner from now on? What new details and surprises will I have with her or him? And so, from your personal responses, you will know what new airs your relationship needs.