Creating your own product is a determination that prompts you to financial independence on your own. This initiative in principle is surrounded by a great mystery and uncertainty, motivated by wanting to start and not knowing where. The problem is that you start with the false idea that to create your own profitable information product you need to spend a lot of money and a lot of time to finish it. It hurts me to hear people say “I've been working on my book for a year.
But don't you know that you can create an e-book in just one day ? Yes "In a single day" that's correct, well it is a whole day, but it is just as feasible. Next I am going to tell you how step by step you can create an amazing ebook.
Step by step your own Ebook in a one day formula.
Step 1 - Make a list with 7 tips or suggestions that you would give your ideal client around a particular topic. It seems simple, and easy, but later you will find out why you need these 7 tips and what you are going to use them for.
Step 2 - In this step you must create a short article in which you must include 50 or more words that explain each tip from those collected in the previous point. Right now you have your ebook entry.
Step 3 - Take the first tip and turn it into a chapter by writing down everything you know including everything you research related to it. To make your ebook more interactive you can use testimonials, case studies, even various examples. It is also important to include a quote related to the theme of the chapter and some other details of your harvest that you deem appropriate. It is important to ensure that the information you provide to each chapter is solid and proven information. Now you have your first chapter.
Step 4 - This is where the heavy lifting begins. You have to do the same for each of the 6 remaining tips, convert them into chapters and add the content according to the previous point. Although this point becomes a bit monotonous, it is important that you do not lose the north and continue in your purpose of finishing with your first ebook, that is when you will have your 7-chapter e-book.
Step 5 - Don't write a conclusion. Instead, close your e-book by inviting the reader to get more information by engaging with you (following you on Twitter, subscribing to an eCourse) and spending the money with you.
Remember, your first electronic ebook does not have to be a bestseller, as long as the information you offer the reader is good information and helps to solve any problem or question that the reader has, sales are guaranteed.